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Antimic® is a new generation nanotechnological antimicrobial protective material that physically destroys bacteria, viruses, and disease-causing microorganisms, prevents mold, fungus, and algae formation, prevents cross-contamination and provides a long-lasting effect.


Antimic® technology developed by Prof. Dr. Yusuf Menceoğlu in the laboratories of Sabancı University and licensed to Nanotego – Nano Teknolojik Urunler Arastirma ve Gelistirme Kimya Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S.


Strong effect on all kinds of surfaces where it is applied, kills bacteria, viruses, and microbes and stops their reproduction.


Fights against COVID-19 & Prevents cross-contamination


Thanks to the patented, water-based formula it doesn’t evaporate as fast as traditional alternatives.

Dr. Menceloglu has been working in polymer science since 1984 and in nanoscience and nanotechnology since 1991. Dr. Menceloğlu is the author or co-author of more than 150 peer-reviewed papers/proceedings and several book chapters on polymers and nanosized materials. Inventor and co-inventor of 27 patents listed in Derwent Innovations Index. Dr. Menceloğlu has diverse research experience in polymers, composites, and reactions/processing in liquid/supercritical carbon dioxide. Dr. Menceloğlu has taught courses in polymeric materials and polymer science.”

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Antimic® is a powerful antimicrobial preservative agent compared to other disinfectant products. By covering the applied surfaces with colorless, odorless nano sized small shields, it prevents bacteria, viruses and microbes from adhering and prevents their reproduction thanks to its long-term effect. Heavy metals such as copper, lead; Contains no silver, alcohol, perfumes or colorants.


All of the active substances used are products that break down in nature. It does not harm the nature.

For Detailed Information